
Real Estate Law

In real estate law, we offer advice, notarize and certify particularly in the following contexts:

  • Purchase and sale of property or undeveloped land
  • Purchase and sale of condominiums or joint ownership units
  • Buying and selling of (even extensive) property portfolios (both residential properties and commercial properties), both by way of an asset deal and a share deal
  • Land registry planning and implementation of (even extensive) building projects
  • Establishment of (even extensive) owner associations and/or partial owner associations
  • Land registry encumbrance of real estate (in particular with land charges, mortgages, pre-emption rights, usufructuary rights, housing rights and other easements) and deletion of land registry encumbrances
Corporate / Commercial Law

In corporate law and commercial law, we offer advice, notarize and certify particularly in the following contexts:

  • Establishment of corporations (stock corporation, European stock corporation (SE), company with limited liability) and partnerships (general partnership, limited partnership, partnership company)
  • Preparation and documentation of general meetings and shareholders’ meetings for corporations (stock corporation, European stock corporation (SE), company with limited liability)
  • Company purchase / sale
  • Business succession
  • Company restructuring (in particular mergers, division, change of legal status)
  • Liquidation of companies
  • Applications for the Commercial Register and the Partnership Register
Inheritance law / Donations

In inheritance and donations, we offer advice, notarize and certify particularly in the following contexts:

  • Drafting of wills (also joint wills for spouses)
  • Drafting of inheritance contracts
  • Obtaining certificates of inheritance / European certificates of succession
  • Obtaining grants of probate
  • Inheritance disclaimers
  • Discussion by joint heirs
  • Correction of land registers and commercial registers due to successions
  • Agreements fulfilling bequests
  • Waiver of inheritance and mandatory partial waiver agreements
  • Donation contracts (also: anticipated inheritance)
Family Law

For family law, we provide advice and notarize particularly in the following contexts:

  • Drafting of prenuptial agreements
  • Drafting of divorce agreements
  • Drafting of partnership agreements for unmarried partners (in particular on the occasion of joint acquisition of property)
Powers of Attorney / Living Wills

In connection with the drafting of powers of attorney or living wills, we offer advice, notarize and certify particularly in the following contexts:

  • Powers of attorney for establishing corporations (stock corporation, European stock corporation (SE), limited liability company)
  • Proxies (i.e. powers of attorney to exercise the voting rights of shareholders)
  • Proxies for the purchase or sale of real estate and/or company shares
  • General powers of attorney
  • Health care proxies
  • Living wills

In Germany, notarial fees (as with fees for the Land Register and the Commercial Register) are uniform nationwide and are regulated by the German Rules on Court and Notary Fees (GNotKG). There are therefore no differences in fees for the use of notarial services throughout Germany.

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